Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Pharmacological correctionof endothelial dysfunction and disturbance ofstructured organization of thrombocyte membranesin ischemic heart disease


According to the treatment results in 46 patients with ischemic heart disease, exertional angina and rest angina of II-IV functional classes, arterial hypertension of II-III severity degree, rhythm and conduction disturbance of different genesis, it was shown that introduction of anti-ischemic drug with pronounced antioxidant activity of nadzin into conventional mode of treatment leads to decreased angina functional class by 23%, rarity of angina attack cases by 78%. Cyanosis disappears in 95% of cases. The myocardial demand for oxygen decreases by 30%. This is accompanied (unlike the group which was not given nadzin) by elevation of oxidation-reduction potential of pyridine nucleotide system and their absolute number, normalization of NADFN-oxidase and decrease of endothelin-1 up to its normal level. Nazin helps to restore thrombocyte membrane resistance to oxidation, reduce the level of malone dyaldehyde, increase the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase. Antiischemic effect of nadzin expands not only on myocardium, but also on other tissues, what helps to cut down on the doses of anti-hypertension and diuretic drugs when treating with nadzin, what helps to obtain required diuretic effect without disturbing electrolyte balance. Treatment with nadzin helps to decrease ST-segment and/or T-wave depths. Good tolerance to nadzin was noted.


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