Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Results of correction of mitral insufficiency with assessment of psychophysiological reserve and quality of life (19 years after surgery)

Authors: Nikitina T.G., Bazarsadaeva T.S., Pelekh D.M., Glushko L.A., Bockeria L.A.

Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow, Russian Federation

E-mail: Сведения доступны для зарегистрированных пользователей.


UDC: 616.126.422-089.168

Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2022; 2 (19): 168-176

Quote as: Nikitina T.G., Bazarsadaeva T.S., Pelekh D.M., Glushko L.A., Bockeria L.A. Results of correction of mitral insufficiency with assessment of psychophysiological reserve and quality of life (19 years after surgery). Clinical Physiology of Circulation. 2022; 19 (2): 168–76 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24022/1814-6910-2022-19-2-168-176

Received / Accepted:  18.02.2022 / 04.05.2022

Full text:  


Patient Kh., 78 years old, female, in 2002 in the Department of Cardiology of Acquired Heart Diseases of the Bakoulev Center surgical correction of mitral valve insufficiency was performed (on the day of the operation in 2002, the patient was 59 years old). Before surgery, the patient was in the IV functional class according to the New York Heart Association. For 19 years, the patient has been observed in the Scientific Advisory Department of the Bakoulev Center, therapy is being corrected according to the results of the clinical condition, echocardiography, Holter electrocardiogram monitoring (HM ECG), coronary angiography and laboratory data. In 2014, percutaneous coronary intervention was performed – stenting of the circumflex branch of left coronary artery, in 2021 – implantation of a pacemaker due to sinus node dysfunction was performed. For 18 years, according to the ECG data and HM ECG, the patient maintained sinus rhythm, satisfactory quality of life (SF-36) in terms of physical and psychological components of health, the patient is vulnerable (Edmonton scale of physiological reserve), highly comorbid (Charlson comorbidity index).


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  5. 1ESC/EACTS 2020 Guidelines on myocardial revascularization: the task force on myocardial revascularization of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) Developed with the special contribution of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI). Eur. Heart J. 2020; 35 (37): 2541–619.
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  7. Kupryashov A.A., Rivnyak M.I., Koloskova N.N., Glushko L.A., Mironenko V.A., Bockeria L.A. Factors that determine the physical performance of patients with circulatory failure and anemia. Creative Cardiology. 2019; 13 (4): 349–62 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24022/1997- 3187-2019-13-4-349-362
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  9. Charlson M.E., Carrozzino D., Guidi J., Patierno C. Charlson comorbidity index: a critical review of clinimetric properties. Psychother. Psychosom. 2022; 91 (1): 8–35. DOI: 10.1159/000521288
  10. Braunberger E., Deloche A., Berrebi A. Very long-term results (more than 20 years) of valve repair with Carpentier's techniques in nonrheumatic mitral valve insufficiency. Circulation. 2001; 104 (10): 1992–8.
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  12. Lillehei C., Gott V., DeWall R., Varco R. Surgical correction of pure mitral insufficiency by annuloplasty under direct vision. Lancet. 1957; 77 (2): 446–8.
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  14. Gatti G., Cardu G., Trane R., Pugliese P. The edge-toedgetechnique as a trick to rescue an imperfect mitral valve repair. Eur. J. Cardiothorac. Surg. 2002; 22: 817–20.
  15. Alfieri O., Maisano F., De Bonis M., Stefano P.L., Torracca L., Oppizzi M., La Ganna G. The double-orificetechnique in mitral valve repair: a simple solution for complexproblems. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 2001; 122: 674–81. DOI: 10.1067/mtc.2001.117277
  16. Belskiy V.V., Muratov R.M., Sachkov A.S., Soboleva N.N. Long-term results of using the edge-to-edge technique as an additional maneuver for correcting residual regurgitation after mitral valve reconstruction. Russian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2018; 60 (1): 36–43 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24022/0236-2791-2018-60-1-36-43
  17. Gordeev M.L., Maystrenko A.D., Sukhova I.V., Maystrenko N.S., Isakov S.V., Gurshchenkov A.V., Grebennik V.K. Long-term results of the use of implant-free mitral valve annuloplasty in patients with ischemic mitral insufficiency. Circulatory Pathology and Cardiac Surgery. 2015; 19 (1): 28–35 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.21688/1681-3472-2015-1
  18. Heikkinen J., Biancari F., Satta J., Salmela E., Juvonen T., Lepojärvi M. Quality of life after mitral valve repair. J. Heart Valve Dis. 2005; 14 (6): 722–6. PMID: 16359050
  19. Jokinen J.J., Hippeläinen M.J., Pitkänen O.A., Hartikainen J.E. Mitral valve replacement versus repair: propensity-adjusted survival and quality-of-life analysis. Ann. Thorac. Surg. 2007; 84 (2): 451–8. DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2007.03.058
  20. James K.B. Myocarditis as cause of impaired myocardial function after aortocoronary bypass. Tex. Heart Inst. J. 1989; 16 (2): 117–9.
  21. Lee K.S., Marwick T.H., Cook S.A., Go R.T., Fix J.S., James K.B. et al. Prognosis of patients with left ventricular dysfunction, with and without viable myocardium after myocardial infarction. Relative efficacy of medical therapy and revascularization. Circulation. 2014; 90 (6): 2687–94. DOI: 10.1161/01.cir.90.6.2687
  22. Pelekh D.M., Nikitina T.G., Gulyan K.S., Fadeev A.A., Golukhova E.Z. Evaluation of the psychofunctional state of patients before the correction of valvular heart disease. Clinical Physiology of Circulation. 2021; 18 (3): 212–21 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24022/1814-6910-2021- 18-3-212-221
  23. Pelekh D.M., Nikitina T.G., Gulyan K.S., Fadeev A.A., Golukhova E.Z. Assessment of comorbidity in elderly patients before correction of valvular heart disease. Clinical Physiology of Circulation. 2021; 18 (4): 281–90 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24022/1814-6910-2021-18-4- 281-290

About Authors

  • Tat’yana G. Nikitina, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Leading Researcher; ORCID
  • Tat’yana S. Bazarsadaeva, Cand. Med. Sci., Cardiologist
  • Dmitriy M. Pelekh, Cand. Med. Sci., Researcher, Cardiologist; ORCID
  • Lyudmila A. Glushko, Cand. Med. Sci., Head of Group of Pulmonary Samples and Gas Exchange Monitoring, Cardiologist; ORCID
  • Leo A. Bockeria, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Academician of RAS, President; ORCID

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