Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Mathematical modelof ischemic heart disease development in womenunder 65

Authors: Izmozherova N. V., Popov A. A.

Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2008; (): -

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In order to assess the risk factors for IHD and to develop methamatical analysis for it based on discriminant analysis, the authors performed the study which included 167 women in climacterium who had clinical evidence of stable exertional angina of I-II functional classes (main group). The control group consisted of 167 women without IHD. According to the results of the study, linear dividing discriminant function was obtained: Z= 0,077a + 0,101b + 0,229c - 0,346d - 0,273e - 42,771, where a - is a result of a 6 minute walk test, b - duration of menopause, c - level of education, d - level of triglycerides, e - level of glucose in whole capillary blood on an empty stomach. If the value was Z<0, then a patient could be related to IHD group. The value of p for the equation is less than 0,001. The model developed is available for its usage in primary medical help conditions. It allows to diagnose IHD in more than 90% of women in menopause, what proves its sufficient efficacy.


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