Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Улучшение гемодинамики при применении кардиоресинхронизирующей терапии с помощью определения наиболее оптимальных зон стимуляции левого желудочка

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Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2012; (): -

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Cardioresynchronized therapy significantly improves cardiac function, clinical values of patients with chronic heart failure, refractory to medical therapy, with low LV EF and QRS length over 120 ms. To date, the development of methods to define optimal sites of LV stimulation is actual. Improving of hemodynamic effect was seen when using traditional location of electrodes in wall side of medial segment of LV. The comparison of activation direction of LV and the hemodynamic change was performed with the use of 3D electroanatomic mapping, because of postinfarction wave. It is detected that not only localization in the side of the wave is important but the factor of inhomogeneity in myocardial vitality. Zones of late activation were also insufficient predictors for optimal stimulation. Unfortunately, in everyday practice its difficult to define the site of optimal stimulation and also to perform electrode implantation in the required zone. However, such studies contribute to the development of new approaches to define a stimulation zone of LV.


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