Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Studying the properties of the film compositions with gelatin and colchicine

Authors: L.A. Bockeria, O.L. Bockeria, S.P. Novikova, R.R. Salokhedinova, L.N. Nikolashina, O.V. Shustrova, V.S. Sivtsev

A.N. Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Rublevskoe shosse, 135, Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation

E-mail: Сведения доступны для зарегистрированных пользователей.

Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2014; (): -

Quote as: Bockeria L.A., Bockeria O.L., Novikova S.P., Salokhedinova R.R., Nikolashina L.N., Shustrova O.V., Sivtsev V.S. Studying the properties of the film compositions with gelatin and colchicine. Klinicheskaya Fiziologiya Krovoobrashcheniya. 2014; 3: 57-66.

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Objective – to assess the possibility of creating a film compositions based on natural biodegradable polymer – gelatin and colchicine.
Material and methods. To obtain film compositions using natural polymer – gelatin. As the biologically active substance – herbal drug with anti-inflammatory properties – colchicine, a plasticizer – glycerin, a crosslinking agent – glutaraldehyde.
Evaluated: the strength characteristics of film compositions, the timing of their hydrolytic degradation, desorption of colchicine compositions, sterilization effect.
Results. Shows a linear dependence of the amount allocated from the amount of the immobilized colchicine. Active rapid release unbound colchicine occurs in the first 30 minutes – released from 65 to 75% colchicine depending on its amount in the composition. Adding to the film composition colchicine loosens its structure – the strength is reduced by 18%. Hydrolytic degradation film compositions with colchicine is faster. Sterilization increases the amount of liberated colchicine at 8% and hardens gelatin film with colchicine at 15%.
Conclusion. The possibility of obtaining compositions based on gelatin-immobilized colchicine in different proportions. Studied their physico-chemical, physico-mechanical properties. The received compositions have the prolonged allocation of colchicine, adjustable terms of the hydrolytic destruction, necessary complex of mechanical properties. The bulk of the injected unbound colchicine released from the film compositions quickly in the first 30 minutes. The prolonged release of colchicine in small doses as shown in the work provided by the remaining biodegradable gelatin complex with colchicine. It can be assumed that the therapeutic effect of the compositions can be associated not so much with the amount of injected colchicine as a prolongation of its isolation in small doses including and biodegradation of the complex. It is advisable to pay attention in further biological studies film compositions in experiments on animals.


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