Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Функция мышечно-венозной помпы голени в патофизиологии венозного оттока при посттромбофлебитической болезни

Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2007; (): -

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Phlebodynamics has been studied in 37 patients under physical activity with different forms of a postthrombotic disease. In comparison with normal conditions, when walking venous pressure decreases by 50% from its basic value, there has been estimated that a regarded patient group had a reduction in deep veins systolic pressure at the level of shin tendon by 3.2% (p>0.1), 0.7% in the muscular mass area and increase by 1.8% (p>0.1) in popliteal region. Systolic pressure decrease for superficial venous system constituted 2.3% (p>0.1) in the lower one-third of the shin and 6.2% (p>0.05) in its muscular area; by a tenth step the pressure in a popliteal vein increased by 4.4% (p>0.1). Thus, patients suffering from lower limb postthrombotic disease have either no increase of venous backflow or have insignificant decrease of venous pressure. There is direct relation between shin masculovenous pump drainage function decrease rate and disease severity. Shin pump drainage function abnormalities in the area of its aperture, i.e. one-third part of a shin, become crucial. Contraction of pressure phase difference in superficial and deep veins for less than 0.1 sec. leads to severe microcirculatory abnormalities development. Total pump disfunction leads to shin trophic ulcers in 100% cases. It is typical, that such shin pump drainage function depression in the area of its aperture leads to worse skin and hypodermic tissue trophism regardless pump functional condition in the area of its mascular part and outlet (popliteal region).


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