Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Клинико-инструментальные особенности кардиоваскулярной системы у пациентов с ишемической болезнью сердца и неизмененными коронарными артериями

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3340 coronarographies were performed in patients with clinical instrumental signs of IHD in A. N. Bakoulev SCCVS RAMS between 2008 and 2011. Local stenoses and diffuse changes in coronary arteries were absent in 735 (23%) patients. 40 patients with IHD and intact coronary arteries and 30 patients with IHD and coronary artery disease (control group) underwent complex examination. Mean age was 52.6 ± 8.7 years. Patients without intact coronary arteries had the following peculiarities: typical angina attack was noted in 31.5% cases (in 86.1% cases in patients from control group), atypical angina attack - in 62.5%; venous return disturbances with relevant clinical manifestations were noted in 20% patients (including phlebohypertension). Stress-EchoCG in 90% patients with intact coronary arteries revealed phlebohypertension.


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