Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Анализ структуры внутрисердечного потока крови на основании исследований архитектоники трабекулярного слоя левого желудочка

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Progress of interventional cardiology and cardiovascular surgery requires development of modern quantitative approaches to the analysis of blood flow state in the transport segment of circulation that is the heart and main vessels. In order to overcome a numerous contradictions in the knowledge of the blood transportation, a hypothesis was supposed asserting the swirling pattern of blood flow in the heart and main vessels, which resembles tornado-like flows, widely spread in the nature. These flows can be exhaustively described by the exact solution of non-stationary hydrodynamic Navier-Stokes and continuity equations for the class of viscous swirling flows, published in 1986. Applying of the exact solution as a hydrodynamic model allows the quantification of blood flow in the course of its generation and evolution during cardiac cycle. Using the morphometry of human and canine left ventricular casts, and multislice computed tomography it has been shown that the trabeculae in the ventricular cavity are oriented along the streamlines of tornado- like flow of appropriate dimension. Moreover this principle covers both diastolic trabeculae of the inlet part of the left ventricle and systolic trabeculae of the outlet part of the left ventricle. It was concluded that the main trabeculae function consists in the structural organization of the intraventricular blood flow by the type of swirling tornado-like jet. Quantitative characteristics of the flow description were proposed. The hydrodynamic analysis of the blood flow is indispensable for the development of new diagnostics criteria, for cardiac surgery optimization, for the design of new implantable devices contacting with blood flow, for mathematical and physical modeling of circulation.


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