Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Replacement of ascending part and arch of aorta under circulation arrestwith retrograde cerebral perfusion

Authors: Kh.K. Abralov, A.G. Erstekis, A.B. Alimov, U.A. Murotov

Academician V. Vakhidov Republican Specialized Center of Surgery, ul. Farkhadskaya, 10, Tashkent, 700115, Uzbekistan

E-mail: Сведения доступны для зарегистрированных пользователей.

Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2015; (): -

Quote as: Abralov Kh.K., Erstekis A.G., Alimov A.B., Murotov U.A.. Replacement of ascending part and arch of aorta under circulation arrest with retrograde cerebral perfusion. Klinicheskaya Fiziologiya Krovoobrashcheniya (Clinical Physiology of Circulation, Russian journal). 2015; 2: 36-41 (in Russ.)

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In this case message, we would like to report about our successful experience of surgical repair at patient with aneurysm of ascending part and arch of aorta, which undergone replacement of ascending part and arch of aorta under circulation arrest with retrograde cerebral perfusion via superior vena cava. Despite on fact that this case is single in our practice – it is early make some generalized conclusions, but the successful result of the performed procedure allows us to conclude that applied technique of CPB with circulation arrest and retrograde perfusion via superior vena cava is able to provide good results of surgical repair of dissected aortic aneurysm.


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