Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Анатомо-морфологические, топографические и гемодинамические аспекты строения корня аорты и легочной артерии в свете процедуры Росса

Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2007; (): -

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22 cadaveric hearts were used for macro-and microscopic examination of the aortic root and pulmonary artery structure. Variants anatomy and topography of the first septal branch of anterior interventricular artery were studied. Hemodynamic aspects for pulmonary autograft function in left arterial root position were studied in experiments. Complete aortic root replacement by pulmonary artery autograft was used. As a comparative hemodynamic simulation 2 experiments for aortic valve replacement by mechanical prosthesis liks-22 were performed. Morphometric data were assessed as well as the results of aortic root and pulmonary artery morphology evidenced their macro- and microscopic structure identity. The investigation of the topography of the first septal branch has provided the possibility to single out 3 variants of its origin from anterior interventricular artery in regard to fibrous ring of the pulmonary artery valve. In conditions of experiment the investigation of central hemodynamics values evidenced an adequate pulmonary autografts function in relation to physical loads range.


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