Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Сравнительная клиническая характеристика и результаты протезирования митрального клапана у больных разного возраста

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Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2011; (): -

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Comparison of clinical peculiarities, lethality, complications rate and duration of hospital treatment in two cohorts of patients (the first cohort - 164 patients, aged between 55 and 64 years, the second cohort- 57 patients aged 65 years and older) who in 2009 had undergone mitral valve replacement in conjunction with other surgeries (concomitant prosthetic replacement/aortic or tricuspid valve plasty, coronary artery bypass grafting) or without them were made. Statistically reliable differences were revealed by frequency of IHD registration: in the first group - in 32% patients and in the second group - in 50.9% (p=0.012). EuroSCORE index in patients aged 65 and older was significantly higher - 7.0±7.2, than in patients younger than 65 years of age - 3.9±2.8 (p=0.001). Reliable differences in heart cavities sizes, left ventricular ejection fraction, pressure gradient, structure of valve surgeries were not revealed. Coronary artery bypass grafting was performed in 14.6% patients in the first group and in 33.3% in the second group (p=0.002). Total lethality rate among the patients aged 65 and older was 12.3%, younger than 65 - 10.4% (p=0.7). Total rate of poor outcomes (lethality + renal insufficiency, mandating hemodialysis + neurologic complications + systemic inflammatory reaction syndrome) was not reliably different - 30(18.8%) and 15(24.6%) cases in the 1st and 2nd group respectively (p=0.3). Total duration of treatment and duration of treatment at the resuscitation unit were reliably higher in patients over 65 years: 20.2±12.9 (6.2±0.4) versus 15.3±7.6 (3.2±5) bed-days in the 1st group (p=0.001).


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