Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Assessment of hemodynamic parameters of the bivalve mechanical prostheses «MEDENG-2» and «St. Jude Medical» in the late period after the correction of aortic stenosis

Authors: Pelekh D.M., Tsiskaridze I.M., Nikitina T.G., Izosimova M.G., Muratov R.M., Skopin I.I., Bockeria L.A.

A.N. Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Rublevskoe shosse, 135, Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation

E-mail: Сведения доступны для зарегистрированных пользователей.

Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2014; (): -

Quote as: Pelekh D.M., Tsiskaridze I.M., Nikitina T.G., Izosimova M.G., Muratov R.M., Skopin I.I., Bockeria L.A. Assessment of hemodynamic parameters of the bivalve mechanical prostheses «MEDENG-2» and «St. Jude Medical» in the late period after the correction of aortic stenosis. Klinicheskaya Fiziologiya Krovoobrashcheniya. 2014; 2: 19–24.

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Objective – to undertake a comparative assessment of hemodynamic characteristics of the bileaflet mechanical prostheses «MEDENG-2» and «St. Jude Medical» after correction of aortic stenosis in the late period after operation (from 5 to 9 years).
Material and methods. We examined 91 patients operated on the period from 2001 to 2007, 46 (50.5%) patients were implanted prostheses «MEDENG-2», 45 (49.5%) – prostheses «St. Jude Medical». Mean observation period amounted to 7.3±12.5 years. According to the echocardiographic studies in addition to the determination of linear, volume indicators of the left ventricle and gradients for prostheses, were also analyzed hemodynamic characteristics of each size of the prosthesis.
Results. Comparison of average indicators of the effective orifice, the indexed effective orifice, the emission factor and the efficiency index between standard sizes of both types of prostheses significant differences were not obtained (p>0.05), but the indexed effective orifice of prostheses «MEDENG-2» 19 mm was twice less lower compared with pros- theses «St. Jude Medical» of the same size.
Conclusion. Bivalve mechanical prostheses «MEDENG-2» and «St. Jude Medical» provide optimum hemodynamics, how- ever, during implantation of prostheses of small diameters be aware that weight gain patients fraught with the development of prosthese-patient mismatch.


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