Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Methodological aspects of cerebral venous blood flow in children

Authors: M . F. Abramova, S.N. Novoselov

N. I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of the RF, ul. Ostrovityanova, 1, Moscow, 1 17997, Russian Federation

E-mail: Сведения доступны для зарегистрированных пользователей.

UDC: 616.12-007-053.31

Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2016; 13 (2): 112-120

Quote as: Abramova M.F., Novoselova S.N. Methodological aspects of cerebral venous blood flow in children. Klinicheskaya Fiziologiya Krovoobrashcheniya (Clinical Physiology of Circulation, Russian journal). 2016; 13(2): 112-120 (in Russ.).

Received / Accepted:  21.12.2015/29.02.2016

Full text:  


Objective - to development of a method of a cerebral venous blood circulation research at children of various ages (3-18 years) at normal conditions and functional tests as a model of difficulty (violation) of venous outflow. 
Material and methods. Researches of 168 healthy children aged from 3 till 18 years carried out by method of ultrasonic transcranial dopplerography (TCD) by a standard technique the "Angiodin-M" of "BIOSS" with application of the multigate technology providing simultaneous registration of several dopplerogramm from various depths through transooolpitai access. 
Results. At children (of different age) we have defined optimum levels of location of deep brain veins: Rosenthal's vein - 55-70 mm, straight sinus - 54-56 mm, and great cerebral vein of Galen - 60-65 mm under static conditions and functional tests (Valsalva maneuver, ortho- and anti-orthostatic). Taking into account the features of patients at children's age (difficulties of carrying out of functional tests in its classical version) we have offered a modification of these tests, and conducted comparative researches. 
Conclusion. The data submitted confirm reliability and informational content of the research results of cerebral venous hemodynamics at Valsalva's test and anti-orthostasis test. Orthostatic test at children is less informative. The research of venous outflow in Galen's vein at children also is more informative. The inclusion in ultrasonic research protocols of functional (modified for children's age) tests (Valsalva and anti-orthostatic test at the vein of Galen location) allows to reduce research time, not to cause an emotional stress to a child and suggests tactics for maintaining of a patient, taking into account violations revealed.


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About Authors

Abramova Marina Fedorovna, MD, PhD, Chief of Laboratory of Child Cerebrovascular Disorders;
Novoselova Svetlana Nikolaevna, Senior Research Associate

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