Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Оценка параметров центральной гемодинамики у больных с вентральными грыжами

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Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2012; (): -

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Objective. To evaluate the parameters of central hemodynamics in patients with hernia of anterior abdominal wall before and after the operation. Material and methods. 37 patients with abdominal hernias without any co-morbidity at the age of 19 to 77 years old were examined. There were 10 men, 27 women; 8 patients with exurnbilications, 6 patients with midline hernia, 23 patients with postoperative median hernias. All patients were divided into 3 groups, depending on the size of hernial orifices. Results. Significant variable changes of central hemodynamics before and after the operation in patients with the size of hernia defect to 8 sm, without regard to hernioplasty, were not noted. Significant changes of all parameters of central hemodynamics were noted in patients with hernial orifices that were more than 8 sm, except mean pressure in pulmonary artery. Thus, decrease in cardiac index was at the average by 15%, stroke volume by 13.2%, end-diastolic volume by 21.4%, end-systolic volume by 10.6%, minute volume by 9.7%, heart rate by 23.6%. Conclusion. Reduction of a big hernia sac content into abdominal cavity is associated with negative exposure on functioning of heart-vascular system. Probably, it results to more high standing of cupula of the diaphragm, increase of intrathoracic pressure and decrease of venous return to heart. Its necessary to consider the operations of hernioplasty, its volume and way at the stage of planning.


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