Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Pathogenesis of blood circulation disorders at sepsis

Authors: B.T. Muzdubaeva

Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education, ul. Manasa, 34, Almaty, 050057, Republic of Kazakhstan

E-mail: Сведения доступны для зарегистрированных пользователей.

UDC: 616-005:616.1]616.94

Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2016; 13 (3): 131-138

Quote as: Muzdubaeva B.T. Pathogenesis of blood circulation disorders at sepsis. Klinicheskaya Fiziologiya Krovoobrashcheniya (Clinical Physiology of Circulation, Russian journal). 2016; 13 (3): 131-8 (in Russ.).

Received / Accepted:  25.07.2016 /16.08.2016

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In the article are performed the main mechanisms and devices of the hemodynamic disorders at sepsis. The heaviness of micro- and macrocirculation with forming the multiorgan failure at sepsis and systemic inflammatory syndrome depends from the combined disorders of the hemodynamic system, hemostasis and immune system. But the leader role in mortality realize the disorders of hemodynamic, that results in the imbalance of the delivery and high demands in oxygen of the organism with development of tissue hypoxia. Sepsis or systemic inflammatory syndrome with infection develop on certain stages and have exact clinical and laboratories criteria. It is allow to diagnose and began early and targeted therapy “at the bed of the patient”. Biological active substances, that responsible for systemic inflammatory syndrome injure first of all the blood circulation system, making it insolvent to compensate disorders at the early stages of inflammation. The pathogenic prescribtion of the certain medicines in exact time, before the septic schok started, help to maintain the blood circulation system in the oxygen delivery, and prevent or not make heavier the multiorgan failure.


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