Clinical Physiology of Circulation

Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Сравнительная характеристика гидродинамических показателей биопротезов клапанов сердца «ЮНИЛАЙН» и «ПЕРИКОР»

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Link: Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulaiton. 2013; (): -

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Objective. To conduct a comparative evaluation of hydronamic data of native xenoaortic bioprostheses PeriCor and xenopericardial bioprostheses UniLine.
Material and methods. In vitro study included 16 bioprostheses PeriCor and 14 bioprostheses UniLine with the diameter of 28 mm suitable for clinical use. The study was carried out in pulsatile flow Vivitro Labs Inc. (Canada), modeling physiological work of the mitral valve.
Results. Median of the peak transprosthetic gradient in the group of bioprostheses UniLine amounted to 5.3 mm Hg, in the group of bioprostheses PeriCor amounted to 6.1 mm Hg. Mean transprosthetic gradient in the group of bioprostheses UniLine amounted to 3.0 mm Hg and in the group of bioprostheses PeriCor amounted to 2.8 mm Hg. Efficient opening area value in the group of bioprostheses UniLine amounted to 2.3 cm2, in the group of bioprostheses PeriCor 2.6 cm2. Here in efficiency index was 37.4 and 42.2% respectively. Total regurgitation volume was 2.7 ml per cycle in the group of bioprostheses PeriCor and 3.4 ml in the group of bioprostheses UniLine.
Conclusion. Statistically significant differences between these types of bioprostheses in the context of hydrodynamic parameters were not revealed as a result of the studies. Hydrodynamic parameters of both groups of bioprotheses are comparable with world analogues data. Incomplete opening and excessive tension of UniLine bioprosthesis valvular apparatus leading to insignificant constructional stenosing effect was fixed. This fact indicates rework possibility of valvular apparatus and support frame to improve hydrodynamic parameters.


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